To add to the fun, I clicked onto the link on the same page for "fast food reviews" and just about peed my pants. Read the one for KFC, which consequently received a FAT "D" on its report card:
KFC - If there's anything more disgusting than biting into a piece of "fried" chicken and having half a quart of hot water (or something) roll down your chin, I don't know what it is. KFC is fuckin' grotesque. Hard, deep-fried grease shells, "water," snapping veins, people sucking marrow out of shiny bones, great sheets of animal skin hanging from the corner of glistening mouths... it's like something out of a Dean Koontz novel. This is a place for people not fully evolved to exercise their basic animal instincts, and indulge in a bloody feeding frenzy. It gives me the creeps just thinking about it. Oh sure, I'm a proud carnivore and everything, but I'm not a fucking dingo! I just experienced a full-body shiver. Shit! D
Apparently, this guy is named Jeff Kay, he lives in Pennsylvania and he is my new source of entertainment.
Google has been alerting me of postings in response to the Science Daily Article on SOY and weight loss. As an individual wary of the whole subsidized farming mess discussed by Michael Pollan in the Omnivores Dilemma, I worry that all of this reporting is just promotional junk supporting more soy farming and cheap filler ingredients in our food. As a vegan, I do eat the occasional soy product, but honestly not so often and I always choose organic.
An excerpt from the article in Science Daily:
"Injections were given three times a week for two weeks; during that time, the animals had unlimited access to food and water. Food intake was measured 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours after injection, and the rats were weighed 24 and 48 hours after injection. All rats received the same amount of exercise, and all rats lost weight.
But, after the third injection, de Mejia and Vaughn noticed a significant weight loss in the group of animals that had received one of the soy hydrolysates, even though the animals hadn't changed their eating habits. In this instance, soy protein appeared to have caused weight loss not by reducing food intake but by altering the rats' metabolism."
Heck, sounds like some good results to me (sad for the rats being tested on of course), but I also investigated the companies funding this study. First, SAI Company. Check out Seiberling Associates, Inc. website for yourself and judge whether or not you think something is fishy about the fact that they work with endless dairy clientele, but they are claiming that soy (a dairy alternative) can help you lose weight. I seem to recall a recent campaign by the dairy council claiming that milk everyday can help you to lose weight. I wandered to Dale Seiberling's personal website (he is the self proclaimed CIP EVANGELIST) whatever that means. The info on the site is like another language, that of farming, etc.
Of course, they mention the word biodiesel endlessly to act like they care about environmental issues. I am surprised to see that Disney is running its trains on biodiesel at their parks! Pretty neat.
Its sad that I feel that most research is always born of ulterior motives. I suppose being an adult, you learn what to trust and what to turn your nose up at. Just in, I read a report about the supposedly untrustworthy and sneaky Humane Society and Farm Sanctuary. The report is basically trying to accuse these groups of eliminating ALL animal products from our diets. Uh, AND.......The article makes them sound SOOO awful for demanding that people cut out animal products from their diet and that EVEN IF "Congress," Martosko continued, "could require U.S. farmers to supply every pig, chicken, duck, and cow with private rooms, daily rubdowns, video iPods, and organic meals catered by Wolfgang Puck. But even this wouldn't satisfy activists who actually believe farm animals have the 'right' not to be eaten."
I love how killing animals for food and supporting factory farming is OK, but standing up for animals and insisting that we take a look at how we abuse them is ridiculous! Really nice touch, labeling the Humane Society as "dishonest" about their goals.
I guess I am making up for lost time today.....
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