Starbucks says "screw YOU trans fats!"
Stand-alone Starbucks stores in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Portland, Ore., San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington will have no trans fats in their food as of Wednesday. Not all of the shops will follow suit just yet, but its a good start!
Solar power is also emerging as a kind of status symbol, a glamorous mark of personal responsibility. Celebrities, including Leonardo DiCaprio, Alicia Silverstone, Carlos Santana and Tom Seaver, have installed solar systems. (Edward Norton runs a campaign in Los Angeles, encouraging his fellow celebrities to install solar panels on their homes and to make donations for systems in low-income housing.)
The vogue began in earnest a year ago, when the state legislature approved the California Solar Initiative, one of the most ambitious solar programs in the world. The legislation took effect at the start of this month but was preceded by a stopgap measure with similar terms that ran throughout 2006, offering homeowners a rebate on top of the federal tax credit of up to $2,000 that has been available nationwide since 2006.
I am off to Portland in March, and I CANNOT wait to visit the FOOD FIGHT grocery, which is completely vegan!! YAY! I just read this on their website today. I cannot fathom this, its just another unbelievable/unnecessary activity practiced by a fruit juice company of all things...to find a new way to lure in customers. Say goodbye to this one! (I don't think I have ever had this juice in my life anyway)
Juice companies, such as Naked Juice, Frutzzo, Old Orchard, and Lakewood, make delicious and healthy 100 percent pomegranate juice without harming a single animal—yet POM has paid experimenters to do the following:
- Lock week-old mouse pups—whose mothers were fed pomegranate juice—in a chamber with almost no oxygen for 45 minutes in order to induce severe brain damage. The babies were decapitated, and their brains were removed for study.
- Critically damage the arteries of rabbits in order to simulate erectile dysfunction—a bizarre attempt to suggest that drinking pomegranate juice might alleviate this ailment.
- Induce heart disease (atherosclerosis) in mice who were fed POM—the mice were then killed and cut open to examine their hearts.

1 comment:
Whoa. Is nothing safe anymore? Even highly stylishly packaged POM? Thanks for the info and GREAT blog and yeah. Day 5 out of 90 is almost done. :)
- jana of the 90 day vegans
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