I might be an odd specimen. I tend to go through stages when I have really strong cravings for foods that are not exactly high on people's lists of desirables. From about June to August I desperately needed spinach in my lunch and/or dinner. The last couple of months I have been SO obsessed with Dinosaur Kale. I suppose I am needed iron or something, but I find it funny that something green and leafy can make me so happy!
Vegetarians tend to share their bouts with gas. I find gas to be funny, and my husband and I get a good laugh when discussing or hearing it. I noticed when I was pregnant, I rarely had gas. I don't have any idea why that is. Even now, 6 months after having my baby girl, I still don't get gas as often as I used to. I remember EVERYTHING giving me gas to the point of thinking I had a real problem. Even Gas X didn't solve the problem. I am shocked that I can eat onions and garlic in dishes that I make and not have an issue afterward! Garlic is another craving I have been experiencing lately. YUM!
My best friend on the other hand (who is vegan) was extremely ill for about a week with pain in her lungs and overall just feeling horribly. The last straw was her arm going numb. Thinking she needed to boost her immunity, she was downing ridiculous amounts of garlic. After rushing herself to the ER, the doctor discovered that she had an allergy. She is allergic to GARLIC! No more Wildwood Aioli for poor Michelle.